Friends withOUT Benefits


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Joy 101

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You Dance (That's The Deal)

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Friend Benefits

Earn Friend Benefits where you can get a free t-shirt, get a free guitar pic, earn matching funds & donate to help Kuntrell Jackson pay-off his ridiculous monthly parole fee while he rebuilds his life.

Friend Benefits Part II

You do realize every time you get points at a restaurant all you're really doing is making it damn near impossible for the restaurant to make payroll so it's no wonder we're living in a world of chain restaurants, strip malls & mass shootings. Enough with the points. Man up. Woman up. Pay the fucking bill.


Call To Inaction

Push the annoying button on the right, earn 750 Friend Benefit Points where you can: ride a rollercoaster with Gregor, learn how to drive stick shift with Lex, be the roadie at our next gig.

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